Some thoughts about the game in its current state. I have really enjoyed this makeover, and having a chance to play. Below are some thoughts I've had while playing. I've seen it on both sides of the equation.
MP Limitation
I think this is going to be a downfall in your pocket, and to the state of the game. Once you gain control you really will have no worries if you can climb into power with this limitation. Once orbs are held and defenses are laid down a team, or even a single player has extreme difficultly taking an orb. For example we fought KillEmAll for the fire orb a total of 4 times prior to this limitation. I'm sure you can see we spent over $200 on 3 of those fire fights. We spent almost 2 million MP and a little over 28000 credits in those 3 fights (between MP, Temps, Defenses(Auto Build)). We never took the orb completely. It really doesn't matter how much you spend it doesn't give a large advantage. MP does get to a point that its outrageously priced anyway, and we will refuse to buy it at that point. Smaller nations will get knocked down because they don't require as much MP per attack, therefore the top stay at the top. My question to you is how are you going to balance out the MP with defenses? Also how are you going to level out the MP points taken away per attack?
I believe some balance here needs to be achieved the most. I really think Geo should modify how the defenses respond. I also feel that it should be a limited number of defenses per square area based on either tech or level. It will level the playing ground a lot. If you are going to keep the defenses how they are now. I suggest changing some of them to higher pricing for limit availability.

I also think defenses shouldn't be accessible to nations between the level of 1 to 30. This will give the new players time to adjust, allow them to take orbs, prevent veteran player domination at that level, and give a tremendous growth in new players.
Resources are a large part of what empower you in WOC. I have a few suggestions. Resources expire and move around after x amount of time. This would really level the playing field, and randomly time each one out of a pool of say (3 Hours, 6 Hours, 12 Hours, 1 day, 3 days, 7 Days). If this can't be achieved I believe that they should at least burn x amount of MP per hour. It takes something to manage and use resources some of manpower or energy. This would also cause energy resources to be more powerful instead of just defenses. I also think that after a +10% overage of resources should begin to create a negative impact on your stats. That will prevent players from overstocking, and will prevent anyone from staying overpowered. Its hard no matter how much MP you buy or how many temps you have running to take down a nation that is overstocked without long hours, and tons of money.
High Level Nations
I think at the high level of nations it becomes stale. You run out of things to do. You can't go for the level race or your stuck against the far side of the map, and can't collect resources to be able to take an orb! I do have a question here. What happens if you out level the barrier? One more question does the barrier every stop?
I'm sure that this has already been suggested in some form or fashion. I am thinking about XP Events, Orb Taking Events, Resource Taking Events, and Checker Events. I'm not sure how this would exactly work, but if you rotated these alot it would keep player interest, and stability. For XP events say for a weekend you allow level 1-50 get quadruple xp, 50-100 triple xp, 100+ double. I know the complaint will be seeds, but you got to give these new guys something to power up to face the guys who have shaped this game. For Orb and Resource taking event say for every orb you take that weekend you get 1000 XP for a noon, 5000 xp for a shad, 10000 xp for a dest, and 25000 xp for fire. This would encourage more orb fighting I believe. Checker events I'm not sure how to run them, but it could be a picture contest where you pick the best screenshot of a checker (that isn't obscene). Winner gets x amount of free creds.
Moving (aka Walking)
I believe that walking should even burn MP. Atleast 1 per tile moved.
Natural Disasters
I think this could be a big balance to the game also. Weather events and crazy things happen like a comet crashing into the earth. I think these should randomly happen all over the map especially around the orbs. It will help knock things out of balance and cause shakeups. I would even like to think of resources drying up in areas so nations are forced to move, or the top dogs of the game get thin on resources it will be cut throat, and allow smaller nations to come in behind the line and take orbs.
Subscription (I'm calling this hardcore mode

I believe you should implement this for your hardcore players. Make it a map about the 1/4 of the size of the current map, no MP, no defenses, and all out clicking, and put fire right dead center in a big area. This will make it very interesting! I would be more than willing to pay for something like this. Even if it only has 3-5 players it would probably take away a few that are dominating in WOC currently.
Food for thought. I thought about all these as either ways to stop myself, or other players that I watch taking advantage of game play mechanics. WOC needs to be more dynamic, and less static. Once the veteran players find everything its over with. You have to throw a curve ball at some point to allow others to climb. I by far take advantage of what's available to me in game play. So I thought these would be ways to create shake ups constantly through the game, and give everyone a better chance.
The Infamous Tupac