Proposed new rebirth system:
- XP curve adjusted so that, for dedicated nations, it will tend to take about 2-3 weeks to reach level 100.
- Countdown to rebirth begins at level 101.
- The rebirth counter starts at 100, and rebirth takes place when countdown reaches 0.
- Each day, rebirth countdown decreases by (nation_level - (100 + rebirth_level_bonus)).
- So, if a nation stays at level 101 (in its first rebirth cycle) its countdown would go down by only 1 per day and it could hold off rebirth for 100 days. At level 110 countdown decreases by 10 per day, etc.
- Rebirth can be delayed by purchasing credits. 1 is added to the rebirth countdown for each 100 credits purchased.
- Once the countdown is going, the option is always available to rebirth immediately any time.
- After first rebirth, nation starts at level 31.
- With each rebirth, nation gains a +1 level bonus, meaning they are reborn one level higher but the number of XP needed to gain the next level is shifted down by one.
- So, after first rebirth the nation starts at level 31 and it takes the same XP to reach 32 as it took to get from 30 to 31 in the first cycle.
- After the second rebirth the nation starts at level 32 and it takes the same XP to reach 33 as it took to get from 30 to 31 in the first cycle.
- After the tenth rebirth the nation starts at level 40 and it takes the same XP to reach 41 as it took to get from 30 to 31 in the first cycle.
And so on.
- The level bonus also applies to the level at which the rebirth countdown starts. So eg. the second cycle's rebirth countdown will start at level 102, etc.
- The level bonus is limited to +50. (Fifty rebirth cycles.) After that, a nation may continue to rebirth, but will not get any further level bonuses. It has maxed out.
- Orbs will award XP as well as credits, with greater orbs awarding more XP. This will force orb-holding nations to level up, and so to rebirth faster.
- Forced rebirth keeps cycling nations out of the high level areas, so different nations have their turn to be on top.
- Fast progress through levels to keep the game from becoming boring.
- Rebirthed nations re-starting at level 31 or higher keeps vet nations out of newbie areas, and lets rebirthing nations skip the tedium of early levels.
- By gaining a +1 level bonus with each rebirth, there is a long term progression of increased power for a nation, that can last a couple of years before a nation maxes out.
- Because nations can max out eventually, new players/nations will not feel "left in the dust", they always have the potential to reach the highest tier of the most powerful nations.
- Active and orb holding nations will be forced to rebirth faster, within a week or so of the countdown beginning. Inactive nations can hold it off much longer. Any nation can rebirth whenever they want as soon as the countdown begins.