You Died wrote: ↑Fri Aug 21, 2020 3:57 pm
OMG, the irony of your attempt to criticise my techs after you got melted by a nation 40 levels lower than you while you were online is absolutely hilarious!! Hahahahahaha
As for the other lies and stories you just made up, well I’m not even going to bother wasting my time. All you ever do is lie and make stuff up in general chat, everyone knows that.
Oh yeah, having to evacuate a fully defended main when you’re level 146 against a level 106 is the ultimate embarrassment. Just reminding you about that again
Thanks for the last word. You said you aren’t going to post again. Everyone is bored of your constant lies anyway. Or was that another lie? I guess we will see about that...
The irony is you didn't wipe me down to 1 square. The irony is I sat on my favorite orb and rebirthed on my favorite orb. The irony was I was at 25%, still holding on some res, and I still wiped you off my res with you at 100 geo, and fully resed. What's absolutely hilarious was the fact you got wiped by a new player in the game, and after she wiped you, you had the gall to threatened her. Real classy on your part. Then you had to cheat which I said Mike be very interested in.
Its no attempt but rather a testament on the fact that you teched poorly, as it is evident with the new player who ate your main with ease. You were sitting on quite a lot of res with almost every stat in 180+. She ate your main with ease, I know, I am repeating myself, but it was worth to repeat considering you're not new to this game at all.
So what I evacuated, did you miss the point that I was still sitting on my favorite orb while you were building walls around my main and poorly making a dent which then you had to resort to hitting my resources, which is sad. And since we're in the broken record cycle, I was at 25% geo when I was wiping you off my res so that needed to be repeated again.
You keep speaking for other people. When you were hitting me, no one joined in, and no one chimed in. Its getting tiresome when something thinks it has the authority to speak on the behalf of others. The only people that seem to have an issue with me is the hiders like you. Everyone knows who I am, but, yet, you seem to have to hide behind an anonymous account though few have whispered to me your identity, and if it happens to be true, then I believe Mike be very interested in chatting with you.
Now since you insist of lying, which you were caught doing online while you were hitting me. Attempting to get others to hit me and misleading certain folks. You ultimately failed in that regard. Now I know you can't speak to me in chat because I muted you, so, you try to engage on here by bringing personal issues on a forum which is not an appropriate forum to do.
So rather than 1 square yourself because you were discovered isn't the way to go about. Instead of hiding in nations maybe, just maybe you use your real account to talk shit, and actually do something about it rather than cry and whine on the forum.
Lastly, you have no clue what I was doing with my "run", nor my intention. I hit you because you threatened a user. I am fine that you hit me, and I am fine by my actions. Nothing to be embarrassed since its only a game that has no ramification on anything outside of the game though you seem to want to make it an issue outside of the game by bitching and moaning on a forum.
So you got wiped by a new player.
So you got wiped by a player you claim who has no skill.
And what I don't understand is if I am nothing in your eyes, then why waste all this effort on me. I usually ignore the garbage, that's why I don't hit the people that people think I will hit. Its not worth my effort, nor my time. Just as others are not worth my time, so are you. I think you're a piece of garbage but like I was told, you leave garbage alone so you don't get tainted. So that's what I am doing.

Now I am sure you will continue your meltdown on the forum, and in-game. It is expected. I expect a response from you because you crave the attention from me.
I am good and I ain't losing sleep. I only respond because I know it will make you do what I want

you think about that, and I am sure I will hear from you again.