I am the only one that thinks you brought Ray into the argument to score points? Really? There were several players on at the time and were disgusted with your using of a deceased player to do as you did.
Again, you keep referring several people were disgusted, and yet vague on the detail. The people on wouldn't know nnumbat. So I am not sure why you chosen the mantle to speak for everyone. Only you were upset that I brought up my connection with Nnumbat and the conversations we had when we were both on.
And yes, you did say you were in jail....your argument was "I'm in jail with one phone, how can I access numerous computers, etc" or some crap like that.
I never used the word "jail" Not once. You should really pay attention.
I'm sure Mike would have it in chat logs somewhere....but I'd rather not worry him with shite like this. I think 1 or 2 other players were on that night, sadly I cant recall who they were. In truth they wee probably you.
Wait, you won't approach Mike to verify my identity, but you going to bother him over a misunderstanding of words? Why you avoiding asking Mike to verify IP addresses and asking him where I am logging on from?
Yes, all players jump in and out of nations, but you, you have a fair few more than other...
I have the same number of nations. You can only access 5 at any one point. You insist I have a fair few with no proof, no screen shots, nada. You expecting people to simply accept what you say as truth with no verification. Interesting.