Earning Credits

  The in-game currency, credits, can be obtained in many different ways; for example by completing quests, raiding, and defending your nation’s home island from raids. You can also trade in the winnings you earn from capturing and holding Orbs. In addition you...

Buying Manpower and Energy Reserves

  Each attack your nation makes spends some manpower, and once you run out you’ll need to wait for more to be generated before you can continue attacking. However, it’s also possible to spend credits to buy manpower. To do so, click (or tap) the (+) icon on the...

Storing and Farming

  There are several different types of structures that your nation can research and build that, instead of being defensive, are devoted to generating and storing manpower or energy. For example, the Fuel Tank and Earth Chakra store energy, while the Agro Colony...

Discoveries and Supply Lines

  Every once in a while when occupying land your nation’s forces will make an unexpected discovery. It may be a lost treasure, a capable craftsman, a mighty leader who can be recruited to your cause, or any number of things. When this happens your nation will...

Purchasing Advances

  While most advances can only be obtained by leveling up and spending an Advance Point to research them, some advances can be purchased using the in-game currency, credits. A nation starts with 250 credits, and more can be obtained in many different ways; for...