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Map flags can be very useful for remembering where Orbs and resources are located, and if you use them a lot you may collect many of them as your nation advances in level. If your nation has a lot of map flags, you may find it easier to view them using a list rather than displayed geographically on the World Map. You can toggle the World Map panel between its map mode and its Map Flag List mode, using the button in the upper right corner of the panel (to the left of the X button).

The Map Flag List

The Map Flag List shows all of your nation’s map flags. It has two columns: Title (this is the description you entered when you created the flag) and Location (the flag’s coordinates in the world). You can sort the list by either of these columns by pressing on the column header. Some players will use the alphabetical sorting of the map flag titles to organize the flags into groups. For example, they might start the title of each Orb flag with the word “orb” and of each resource flag with the word “res”.

The pencil and X buttons at the right end of each map flag’s line in the list work the same way as they do on the World Map. The pencil can be used to change the text of the flag, and the X can be used to delete it.

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