Multiplayer Raids

  Fighting a raid doesn’t have to be a solo effort — if your nation has multiple members, there’s nothing preventing more than one of them (or even all of them) from fighting together in the same raid. One player will start a new raid by hitting the “Raid!”...


  A nation gains and loses raid medals by winning or losing raids, and by victories and defeats when defending its home island against other nations’ raids. How many raid medals a nation has will determine what league that nation is in. The higher the league a...


  After your nation’s home island has been raided, you may want to find out just how the attacker carried out the raid so you’ll have a better idea of how you can improve your defenses. You can do this by replaying the raid. Open the Raid Log panel by clicking...

Ending a Raid

  A raid will end either when time runs out or when the attacker runs out of manpower. Once the raid is over, a panel will appear showing the final results: how many stars the attacker earned, and how many medals, XP and credits they’ve earned. Next:...

Fighting a Raid

  Once you’ve captured that first square of land, the raid has begun. Now the header at the top of the screen will show a timer that counts down 15 minutes — that’s how long you’ve got to finish the raid, though you can finish sooner than that. The header...