Each nation in War of Conquest has a number of different stats that influence how well the nation fares in battle. You can view each of the stats for your nation under the Stats tab on the Nation panel. Click (or tap) on any stat in that panel to display a more detailed description of the stat and breakdown of its current value. Below are summaries of the various stats.
The measure of a nation’s advancement. For each level gained, a nation receives an Advance Point which we can use to research a new advance. A nation increases from one level to the next when it earns a certain number of experience points (XP). Advancing from level 1 to level 2 takes 1000 XP, and each additional level increase requires a greater number of XP than the last. A nation’s current level is shown in the bulb of the purple XP bar in the upper left corner of the screen. The XP bar itself shows how many XP have been earned out of the amount needed to reach the next level. The yellow Advance Points bar appears if a nation has any unspent Advance Points, and shows the amount of unspent points.

The XP bar

The Advance Points bar
Experience Points (XP)
A measure of a nation’s learning and understanding, experience points are earned through successful attacks and defense, by taking control of resources and Orbs, by completing quests, and more. To earn each advancing level requires an increasing number of XP. A nation’s total amount of XP can be viewed under the Stats tab in the Nation panel. The purple XP bar in the upper left corner of the screen shows how many XP have been earned out of the amount necessary to reach the next level.
This is one of the combat stats used in both attack and defense, and represents how advanced a nation is at building machines and technologies using scientific principles. In battle, Tech is especially strong against Bio, but vulnerable to Psi. Tech can be boosted by advances as well as by capturing certain resources.

This is one of the combat stats used in both attack and defense, and represents a nation’s ability to manipulate all kinds of living systems. In battle, Bio is especially strong against Psi, but vulnerable to Tech. Bio can be boosted by advances as well as by capturing certain resources.

This is one of the combat stats used in both attack and defense, and represents a nation’s degree of mastery of the esoteric arts, including psychic phenomena, unseen dimensions of reality, and manifestations of magic. In battle, Psi is especially strong against Tech, but vulnerable to Bio. Psi can be boosted by advances as well as by capturing certain resources.

Experience Multiplier
A measure of how quickly a nation gains knowledge from its experiences. By increasing its Experience Multiplier beyond 100% a nation can learn more effectively, and so can gain experience points more rapidly. The Experience Multiplier can be boosted by advances as well as by capturing certain resources.
Total Area
The total number of land squares occupied by a nation.
Supportable Area
The maximum number of land squares that a nation can support at full strength. If a nation occupies land in excess of its supportable area then its Geographic Efficiency will suffer, reducing the benefits it gains from the resources it holds, and causing some of its defenses to become inert and useless. A nation can never occupy more land than twice its supportable area. A nation’s mainland supportable area starts at 300 and increases by 8 for each level gained. A nation’s supportable area on its home island and in a raid are each 20% of its mainland supportable area.
Interior Area
The number of interior land squares occupied by a nation, that is, land surrounded only by other squares belonging to the nation. Greater interior area is better because it leads to increased Geographic Efficiency, which improves a nation’s ability to exploit the resources it holds and support the defenses it builds.
Border Length
The length of a nation’s border, measured in sides of land squares. An isolated square has a border length of 4, while a 5×5 block has a border length of 20. A nation should clean up stray squares and keep its holdings to a few large contiguous areas as much as possible, to minimize border length and maximize interior area. Doing this will increase its Geographic Efficiency.
Geographic Efficiency
A measure of how efficiently energy and materials can be transported throughout a nation. It is the ratio of a nation’s Interior Area (minus any excess area beyond its Supportable Area) to its Border Length, and will not drop below 25% or exceed 100%. Geographic Efficiency affects how much benefit a nation can extract from any resources that it holds, so a low value can make the nation weaker and more vulnerable. Geographic Efficiency below 100% will also cause some of the walls and defenses that a nation has built to become inert and useless. For Good Geographic efficiency a nation should be made up of fewer large areas rather than many small areas. In addition, some advances will boost a nation’s Geographic Efficiency. The green bar in the upper left corner of the screen shows your nation’s Geographic Efficiency. A nation will have separate Geographic Efficiency values for its territories on the mainland, on its home island and in a raid.

The Geographic Efficiency bar
Manpower Max
The maximum amount of manpower that a nation can have stored. Manpower is the stock of trained fighters that the nation has ready to send into combat. Each attack a nation makes costs some manpower, so the more it has stored the more it can attack. The red bar in the upper right corner of the screen displays your nation’s current remaining amount of manpower, out of its Manpower Max. A nation’s Manpower Max on its home island (that is, the amount of manpower it can bring to a raid) is 10% of its mainland Manpower Max.
Manpower Generation Rate
The rate a nation’s manpower increases every hour. Manpower is the stock of trained fighters ready to send into combat. Each attack made costs some manpower, so the faster a nation’s manpower builds up the more it can attack. A nation’s Manpower Rate on its home island is 20% of its mainland Manpower rate.
Manpower per Attack
The amount of manpower that a nation spends on each attack. The more manpower used, the more powerful the attack, but the faster the nation depletes its stored manpower. If the attacker wins an attack, then it doesn’t use up all the manpower put into it — it just spends enough manpower to defeat the defending square’s hit points.
Critical Hit Chance
The chance for a nation’s attack to successfully hit a critical enemy target, resulting in twice the damage than a normal attack would inflict.
Splash damage
A nation with splash damage has the option of performing a splash attack. They do this by right clicking (or pressing and holding) on the target square and selecting “Splash Attack” from the menu. In a splash attack, enemy squares surrounding the target square will also receive a fraction of the damage inflicted. Splash attacks cost more manpower than normal attacks, but can be useful for gradually weakening nearby enemy defenses during an assault.
Max Simultaneous Attacks
The maximum number of squares that each of a nation’s players can be attacking or evacuating at one time. A new nations starts with 2 Max Simultaneous Attacks, but can boost this by researching certain advances.
Energy Generation Rate
The rate that a nation’s energy increases every hour. Energy is used to maintain the walls and defenses a nation builds, so it’s important to keep its generation rate higher than its burn rate, or some of the nation’s defenses will begin to fail. Energy Generation Rate can be boosted by advances as well as by capturing certain resources. A nation’s Energy Generation Rate on its home island is 20% of its mainland rate, and in a raid is 10% of its mainland rate.
Energy Burn Rate
The rate that a nation spends its energy every hour, to maintain its defenses. The energy burn rate should be kept below the energy generation rate, or the nation’s defenses will start to fail. If a nation’s defenses burn energy faster than its maximum energy generation rate the nation will go into overburn and use up its stored energy much more quickly. Nations have separate Energy Burn Rates for their territories on the mainland, on the home island, and in a raid, that depend on what defenses they are supporting on each of those different maps.
Energy Reserves
The amount of energy a nation can have stored, for use by its mainland defenses. Energy is used to maintain the defenses a nation has built. If a nation’s mainland defenses burn energy faster than they can generate it, that nation’s energy reserves will make up the difference, until they run out. At that point their mainland defenses will start falling into disrepair, becoming inert and useless. Nations do not have energy reserves on their home island or in a raid, and so burning energy faster than it is generated on either of those maps will lead to some defenses becoming inert immediately.
Hit Points per Square
The number of defensive hit points that each empty square of a nation’s land has. Squares with walls and towers will have additional hit points. The more hit points a square has, the more manpower attacking enemies will need to expend to win an attack. Hit Points per Square starts at 8 and can be increased by researching certain advances.
Hit Points Restore Rate
The number of defensive hit points that a nation’s land squares can regenerate per minute, after they have been attacked. The faster a nation’s hit points are regenerated, the more resilient its land is to attacks.
Salvage Value
When a nation tears down a wall or other defense (salvaging them), it gains back some fraction of its initial cost. The Salvage Value is the amount of the initial cost that is recouped.
Wall Discount
By developing certain advances, a nation is able to decrease the cost in energy of building and maintaining walls. The greater the discount, the less energy is spend per wall, and so the more the nation can support.
Tower Discount
By developing certain advances, a nation is able to decrease the cost in energy of building and maintaining defensive towers (that is, defensive structures other than walls). The greater the discount, the less energy is spent per tower, and so the more the nation can support.
A nation with Invisibility has the ability to render its walls and towers invisible to its enemies, so that they attack unaware of its defensive capabilities. (See Invisibility.) Invisibility is obtained by researching the Mass Illusion advance.
A nation with Insurgency has +50% added to the base hit points for their interior land squares. (See Insurgency.) Insurgency is obtained through the Insurgency advance.
Total Defense
A nation with Total Defense has +50% added to the base hit points of all of their land squares when all members have been offline for at least two hours. Expires at level 110. (See Total Defense.)
Max Number of Alliances
How many other nations that a nation can be allied with at one time. (See Alliances.) A new nation can have a maximum of 2 alliances at one time, and this number can be increased by researching certain advances.
Storage Structures Built
Once a nation has developed the necessary advances it can build structures to store extra manpower and energy, which can be donated to its allies when they run out (See Storing and Farming). A nation can have a maximum of 8 storage structures at one time.
Manpower Stored for Allies
The amount of extra manpower that the nation has built up in storage structures, to donate to its allies when they run out. (See Storing and Farming.)
Energy Stored for Allies
The amount of extra energy that the nation has built up in storage structures, to donate to its allies when they run out. (See Storing and Farming.)
Manpower Available from Allies
The amount of extra manpower that the nation’s allies have built up in their storage structures, that will be available to this nation if it runs out. (See Storing and Farming.)
Energy Available from Allies
The amount of extra energy that the nation’s allies have built up in their storage structures, that will be available to this nation if it runs out. (See Storing and Farming.)
Rebirth Level Bonus
The number of free bonus levels that a nation accumulates, growing by +1 each time it rebirths. The rebirth level bonus allows a nation to reach higher levels and grow to be a more powerful nation with each rebirth. Maximum is +30. (See Rebirth.)
XP Generated by Storage Structures
The XP generated each hour by a nation’s manpower or energy storage structures. A storage structure will generate XP at its maximum rate when it is full. Otherwise it will generate XP at a lower rate proportional to how close it is to full. A storage structure is emptied if captured by another nation, or its contents may be used by the nation’s allies. It refills over the course of 48 hours. (See Storing and Farming.)
Next: Resources
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